Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a hands-on Japanese technique used for healing.

It is a practice of transferring healing energy through your hands. A Reiki practitioner transfers the life force from the universe. Reiki can only be positive and good energy and the practitioner does not become depleted of energy.

The healing energy intuitively goes where it is needed within the person receiving reiki.

Rei = Universal Spiritual Wisdom, Ki = Life Energy

More Info

  • During a reiki session, the client is completely clothed and typically resting on their back.

    Reiki can be given in a chair as well. Sessions are customizable and can include: relaxing music, aromatherapy, incense, and can be with or without hands on contact.

    Reiki can be transferred with hands hovering above the body.

  • Reiki can help to reduce stress and tension, promoting feelings of calm and relaxation.

  • Reiki can help to improve the quality of sleep and promote restful, restorative sleep.

  • Reiki can help to balance the body’s energy, leading to an increase in overall energy levels.

  • Reiki can help to release emotions that are stored in the body, promoting emotional balance and well-being.

What people are saying

  • “This was my first time experiencing reiki healing and I enjoyed it. Very relaxing, atmosphere was great and felt comfortable.”

    — Asante, Reiki Client

  • “My 1st reiki experience and I was very pleased at how professional, peaceful, and restorative it was. If you’re on the fence, I highly recommend!”

    — Sheena, Reiki Client

  • “I attended a 30 min Reiki session and felt so much better afterwards. Clarity, grounded, centered. It is hard to describe but I encourage everyone to give it a try. So incredibly important especially after all we have been through this past year.”

    —Jeanne, Reiki Client